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タイトルShadowing of cosmic rays by the sun near maximum or at the declining phase of solar activity
著者(日)雨森 道紘; Dai,B.Z.; Ding,L.K.; Feng,Z.Y.; 日比野 欣也; 堀田 直己; 梶野 文義; Labaciren, S; 水谷 興平; 西澤 正己
著者(英)Amenomori, Michihiro; Dai, B. Z.; Ding, L. K.; Feng, Z. Y.; Hibino, Kinya; Hotta, Naoki; Kajino, Fumiyoshi; Labaciren, S; Mizutani, Kohei; Nishizawa, Masami
著者所属(日)弘前大学 理学部 物理学科; Yunnan University Department of Physics; Academia Sinica Institute of High Energy Physics; South West Jiaotong University Department of Physics; 神奈川大学 工学部; 宇都宮大学 教育学部; 甲南大学 理学部 物理学科; Tibet University Department of Mathematics and Physics; 埼玉大学 理学部 物理学科; 学術情報センター
著者所属(英)Hirosaki University Department of Physics, Faculty of Science; Yunnan University Department of Physics; Academia Sinica Institute of High Energy Physics; South West Jiaotong University Department of Physics; Kanagawa University Faculty of Engineering; Utsunomiya University Faculty of Education; Konan University Department of Physics; Tibet University Department of Mathematics and Physics; Saitama University Department of Physics, Faculty of Science; National Center for Science Information Systems
刊行物名ICRR Report
ICRR Report
抄録The shadows of the Sun and Moon have been detected in the 10 TeV cosmic ray flux by the Tibet air shower array at an altitude of 4300 m above sea level. The observation covers the period 1990 June to 1993 October, which almost coincides with a near maximum and decreasing phase of the latest solar activity cycle. Using the data obtained in this period, a yearly variation of the sun's shadow was examined, and the position of the sun's shadow considerably changed every year with the phase of the solar activity was found for the first time. A different variation of the sun's shadow was also found between the 'away' and 'toward' sectors of the interplanetary magnetic field. These results seem to suggest a causal relation between the shadow's movement and the changing inclination of the heliospheric current sheet of the large-scale magnetic field. Further observation with higher statistics will provide a new clue to obtain direct information on the relation between a time variation of the large-scale structure of the solar and interplanetary magnetic fields and the phase of solar activity cycle.
キーワードsolar activity cycle; cosmic ray; sun; moon; sun's shadow; yearly change; interplanetary magnetic field; heliospheric current sheet; solar magnetic field; time dependence; cosmic ray observation; 太陽活動周期; 宇宙線; 太陽; 月; 太陽の影; 年変化; 惑星間磁場; 太陽圏電流シート; 太陽磁場; 時間依存性; 宇宙線観測
資料種別Technical Report
