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タイトルCW Performance of an InGaAs-GaAs-AlGaAs Laterally-Coupled Distributed Feedback (LC-DFB) Ridge Laser Diode
著者(英)Chapman, P. F.; Hunsperger, R. G.; Forouhar, S.; Tiberio, R. C.; Martin, R. D.; Keo, S.; Lang, R. J.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述Single-mode distributed feedback (DFB) laser diodes typically require a two-step epitaxial growth or use of a corrugated substrate. We demonstrate InGaAs-GaAs-AlGaAs DFB lasers fabricated from a single epitaxial growth using lateral evanescent coupling of the optical field to a surface grating etehed along the sides of the ridge. A CW threshold current of 25 mA and external quantum efficiency of 0.48 mW/mA per facet were measured for a 1 mm cavity length device with anti-reflection coated facets. Single-mode output powers as high as 11 mW per facet at 935 nm wavelength were attained. A coupling coefficient of at least 5.8/cm was calculated from the subthreshold spectrum taking into account the 2% residual facet reflectivity.
NASA分類Lasers and Masers
NAS 1.26:200347
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
