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タイトルAn Electron Sensor for the Pulsating Aurora 2 (Pulsaur 2) Mission
著者(英)Scherrer, J. R.; Sharber, J. R.; Piepgrass, B.; Frahm, R. A.
著者所属(英)Southwest Research Inst.
内容記述The purpose of this grant was to provide a low-energy electron detector to be flown on the PULSAUR 2 rocket payload for investigation of the pulsating aurora. In the course of this grant, the instrument, a tophat analyzer, was built and calibrated by the combined efforts of Southwest Research Institute, Mullard Space Sciences Laboratory, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, and Goddard Space Flight Center, and successfully flown into an active, early morning, pulsating aurora over Andoya, Norway, on February 9, 1994. This report provides a description of the instrument and its calibration and gives examples of data obtained on the flight.
NASA分類Instrumentation and Photography
NAS 1.26:202196
権利No Copyright
