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タイトルReinvention/reengineering of business and technical processes
著者(英)Olsen, Eugene A.
著者所属(英)Alabama Univ.
内容記述The changing marketplace as evidenced by global competition is requiring American organizations to rethink, regroup, and redesign their processes. The umbrella of total quality management (TQM) includes many quality methods, techniques, tools, and approaches. There is no right way for every situation or circumstance. Adaptability and experimentation of several tools is necessary. Process management when properly applied can lead to continuous quality improvements. But some processes simply need to be discarded and new ones developed. This reengineering often results in vertical compression and job redesign and restructuring. Work activities must be designed around processes, not processes around work activities. Reengineering and process management do not stand alone--they support each other. Senior executive leadership and empowerment of workers at all organizational levels is vital for both short-term and long-term success.
NASA分類Administration and Management
権利No Copyright
