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タイトルG254: USU student payload flown on STS-64 in September, 1994
著者(英)Wilkinson, Michael; Wilkinson, Mark; Lemon, Mark; Tebbs, Dan; Evans, Brett; Droter, Matt; Monje, Oscar A.; Raghuram, Tumkur; Redd, Kristen; Hubble, Tina
著者所属(英)Utah State Univ.
内容記述G254 is the culmination of USU Get Away Special (GAS) students' efforts to get back into space. After a hiatus of a decade, the USU GAS program flew its sixth canister on STS-64 in September 1994. Like its predecessor payloads, this one contained a diverse set of experiments, six in all. Each experiment has its own lessons learned, which hopefully can be passed on to the next generation of GAS students. This presentation will give a balanced view of the successes and failures of G254. Emphasis will be placed on describing the stumbling blocks and the many lessons learned that come from experience rather than academic training. G254 has once again taken a team of about fifteen USU students, plus about one hundred fourth and fifth graders, and given them an immeasurable education.
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