JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルEnergization and transport of ions of ionospheric origin in the terrestrial magnetosphere
著者(英)Waite, J. H., Jr.
著者所属(英)Southwest Research Inst.
内容記述This serves as a final report entitled Energization and Transport of Ions of Ionospheric Origin in the Terrestrial Magnetosphere. The work has been predominantly focused on ion outflows identified in two data sets: (1) Prognoz 7; and (2) Dynamics Explorer. The study analyzed ion densities, temperatures, and flow velocities in the magnetotail. The work performed under this contract consisted of developing a program to load the raw data, compute the background subtraction of a strong sun pulse, and use the net counts to calculate the low order moments of the distribution function. The study confirms the results of ISEE that the the cusp is a major source of plasmasheet plasma and goes beyond this to discuss the use of ion velocities as a way to examine the motions of the magnetotail.
NAS 1.26:198618-REV
権利No Copyright
