JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルIntramuscular pressure: A better tool than EMG to optimize exercise for long-duration space flight
著者(英)Styf, J.; Crenshaw, A.; Kahan, N.; Hargens, A. R.; Ballard, R. E.; Watenpaugh, D. E.; Aratow, M.
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述A serious problem experienced by astronauts during long-duration space flight is muscle atrophy. In order to develop countermeasures for this problem, a simple method for monitoring in vivo function of specific muscles is needed. Previous studies document that both intramuscular pressure (IMP) and electromyography (EMG) provide quantitative indices of muscle contraction force during isometric exercise. However, at present there are no data available concerning the usefulness of IMP versus EMG during dynamic exercise. Methods: IMP (Myopress catheter) and surface EMG activity were measured continuously and simultaneously in the tibalis anterior (TA) and soleus (SOL) muscles of 9 normal male volunteers (28-54 years). These parameters were recorded during both concentric and eccentric exercises which consisted of plantarflexon and dorsiflexon of the ankle joint. A Lido Active Isokinetic Dynamometer concurrently recorded ankle joint torque and position. Results: Intramuscular pressure correlated linearly with contraction force for both SOL (r exp 2 = 0.037) and TA (R exp 2 = 0.716 and r exp 2 = 0.802, respectively). During eccentric exercises, SOL and TA IMP also correlated linearly with contraction force (r(exp 2) = 0.883 and r(exp 2) = 0.904 respectively), but SOL and TA EMG correlated poorly with force (r(exp 2) = 0.489 and r(exp 2) = 0.702 respectively). Conclusion: IMP measurement provides a better index of muscle contraction force than EMG during concentric and eccentric exercise. IMP reflects intrinsic mechanical properties of individual muscles, such as length tension relationships. Although invasive, IMP provides a more powerful tool and EMG for developing exercise hardware and protocols for astronauts exposed to long-duration space flight.
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