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タイトルLOLA: Lunar Optical Long-baseline Array. 1992-1993 space design
著者(英)Murphy, Sean; Chaney, Joanne; Lyon, Donald; Flint, Eric; Levesque, Daniel; Curran, Christine; Bronte, Daniel; Giunta, Tony; Knill, Duane; Ferguson, Keith
著者所属(英)Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ.
内容記述In the fall of 1992, the design and analysis of a lunar-based optical interferometer telescope array was initiated by a group of students in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Virginia Tech. This project was undertaken at the suggestion of the Space Exploration Initiative Office at the NASA Langley Research Center. The original array design requirements, listed below, centered on the primary objective of resolving earth-type planets about stars out to a distance of ten parsecs: spectrum coverage spanning wavelengths from five nm to five mm, with a primary operating mode in the visible spectrum; a total collecting area providing a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of no less than 10.0 for a median wavelength of 500 nm; the individual array elements must be identical and have a maximum optical diameter of 2.0 m; and lunar site selection is limited to ten degrees north and south of the lunar equator on the lunar far side while not closer than 15 degrees to either near-side limb. Following construction by astronaut crews, array operation will be conducted from earth and astronomical observations will not be conducted during the lunar day. The entire system is designed for minimum achievable mass. The majority of the original design requirements for the telescope array were met.
NAS 1.26:195533
権利No Copyright
