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タイトルModal ring method for the scattering of sound
著者(英)Baumeister, Kenneth J.; Kreider, Kevin L.
著者所属(英)NASA Lewis Research Center
内容記述The modal element method for acoustic scattering can be simplified when the scattering body is rigid. In this simplified method, called the modal ring method, the scattering body is represented by a ring of triangular finite elements forming the outer surface. The acoustic pressure is calculated at the element nodes. The pressure in the infinite computational region surrounding the body is represented analytically by an eigenfunction expansion. The two solution forms are coupled by the continuity of pressure and velocity on the body surface. The modal ring method effectively reduces the two-dimensional scattering problem to a one-dimensional problem capable of handling very high frequency scattering. In contrast to the boundary element method or the method of moments, which perform a similar reduction in problem dimension, the model line method has the added advantage of having a highly banded solution matrix requiring considerably less computer storage. The method shows excellent agreement with analytic results for scattering from rigid circular cylinders over a wide frequency range (1 is equal to or less than ka is less than or equal to 100) in the near and far fields.
NAS 1.15:106342
権利No Copyright
