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タイトルDiagnostic studies of the HxOy-NxOy-O3 photochemical system using data from NASA GTE field expeditions
著者(英)Chameides, W. L.
著者所属(英)Georgia Inst. of Tech.
内容記述The research effort supported in part by the subject grant focused on three related topics. Our major effort was concentrated on the analysis of data gathered during GTE field expeditions. Ancillary efforts were directed at: the development and application of a Global Chemical Transport Model for the study of the atmospheric reactive nitrogen budget; the development and application of a one-dimensional, time dependent cloud model for the study of the impact of in-cloud aqueous phase chemistry on the atmospheric sulfur budget; and mechanistic studies of the chemical processes involved in dry deposition of ozone to vegetative surfaces. In the sections below, we briefly summarize the central conclusions of each of these efforts. These discussions are followed by a listing of the papers completed during the granting period and the graduate students supported by funds from the grant. Reprints and preprints of all papers completed with support from the grant are attached as appendices.
NAS 1.26:193672
権利No Copyright
