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タイトルInvestigation of ZnSe-coated silicon substrates for GaAs solar cells
著者(英)Huber, Daniel A.; Dunham, Glen; Olsen, Larry C.; Addis, F. William
著者所属(英)Washington State Univ.
内容記述Studies are being carried out to determine the feasibility of using ZnSe as a buffer layer for GaAs solar cells grown on silicon. This study was motivated by reports in the literature indicating ZnSe films had been grown by metallorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) onto silicon with EPD values of 2 x 10(exp 5) cm(sup -2), even though the lattice mismatch between silicon and ZnSe is 4.16 percent. These results combined with the fact that ZnSe and GaAs are lattice matched to within 0.24 percent suggest that the prospects for growing high efficiency GaAs solar cells onto ZnSe-coated silicon are very good. Work to date has emphasized development of procedures for MOCVD growth of (100) ZnSe onto (100) silicon wafers, and subsequent growth of GaAs films on ZnSe/Si substrates. In order to grow high quality single crystal GaAs with a (100) orientation, which is desirable for solar cells, one must grow single crystal (100) ZnSe onto silicon substrates. A process for growth of (100) ZnSe was developed involving a two-step growth procedure at 450 C. Single crystal, (100) GaAs films were grown onto the (100) ZnSe/Si substrates at 610 C that are adherent and specular. Minority carrier diffusion lengths for the GaAs films grown on ZnSe/Si substrates were determined from photoresponse properties of Al/GaAs Schottky barriers. Diffusion lengths for n-type GaAs films are currently on the order of 0.3 microns compared to 2.0 microns for films grown simultaneously by homoepitaxy.
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