JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルStudies and simulations of the DigiCipher system
著者(英)Kipp, G.; Chen, Y. C.; Sayood, K.
著者所属(英)Nebraska Univ.
内容記述During this period the development of simulators for the various high definition television (HDTV) systems proposed to the FCC was continued. The FCC has indicated that it wants the various proposers to collaborate on a single system. Based on all available information this system will look very much like the advanced digital television (ADTV) system with major contributions only from the DigiCipher system. The results of our simulations of the DigiCipher system are described. This simulator was tested using test sequences from the MPEG committee. The results are extrapolated to HDTV video sequences. Once again, some caveats are in order. The sequences used for testing the simulator and generating the results are those used for testing the MPEG algorithm. The sequences are of much lower resolution than the HDTV sequences would be, and therefore the extrapolations are not totally accurate. One would expect to get significantly higher compression in terms of bits per pixel with sequences that are of higher resolution. However, the simulator itself is a valid one, and should HDTV sequences become available, they could be used directly with the simulator. A brief overview of the DigiCipher system is given. Some coding results obtained using the simulator are looked at. These results are compared to those obtained using the ADTV system. These results are evaluated in the context of the CCSDS specifications and make some suggestions as to how the DigiCipher system could be implemented in the NASA network. Simulations such as the ones reported can be biased depending on the particular source sequence used. In order to get more complete information about the system one needs to obtain a reasonable set of models which mirror the various kinds of sources encountered during video coding. A set of models which can be used to effectively model the various possible scenarios is provided. As this is somewhat tangential to the other work reported, the results are included as an appendix.
NAS 1.26:193470
権利No Copyright
