JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルTitan aerosol and gas experiment for the Huygens Probe
著者(英)Ohara, B. J.; Ferris, J. P.; Kojiro, D. R.; Cohen, M. J.; Greenberg, J. M.; Valentin, J. R.; Oberbeck, V.; Carle, G. C.; Pollack, J. B.; Bar-Nun, A.
著者所属(英)State Univ. of New York|NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述The Cassini Mission is a joint undertaking of NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) to explore the Saturnian System with a Saturn Orbiter and a Titan Probe. The launch vehicle and the Saturn Orbiter are the responsibility of NASA while the Huygens Probe (detachable Titan Probe) is the responsibility of ESA. The spacecraft will be launched in 1996 and the Huygens Probe will arrive at Titan in 2003. The Cassini Mission-Huygens Probe provides a unique opportunity to obtain detailed information about the atmosphere and, possibly, the surface of Titan. Titan possesses a substantial nitrogen atmosphere containing methane and many other organic compounds. Aerosols play an important role in the atmospheric processes on Titan. The Huygens Probe offers an opportunity to determine how organic particles are formed and grow which will clarify their role on Earth. A powerful analytical instrument, capable of addressing the above technology and other science questions, was recently proposed for the Huygens Probe. It is comprised of an aerosol and gas sampler and processor, and a gas chromatograph-ion mobility spectrometer. The instrument will be able to measure complex organics that make up the collected aerosols to the approximate 1 ppm level. Gases will be measured to approximately 10 ppb. Because the Titan atmosphere is expected to be quite complex, a gas chromatograph-ion mobility spectrometer is used to provide unequivocal identification of the components of the analytes. Further details of the science question to be investigated and the proposed instrument are described. The expected results and their implications are also addressed.
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