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タイトルTransonic shock-induced dynamics of a flexible wing with a thick circular-arc airfoil
著者(英)Rivera, Jose A., Jr.; Dansberry, Bryan E.; Eckstrom, Clinton V.; Bennett, Robert M.; Farmer, Moses G.; Seidel, David A.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述Transonic shock boundary layer oscillations occur on rigid models over a small range of Mach numbers on thick circular-arc airfoils. Extensive tests and analyses of this phenomena have been made in the past but essentially all of them were for rigid models. A simple flexible wing model with an 18 pct. circular arc airfoil was constructed and tested in the Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel to study the dynamic characteristics that a wing might have under these circumstances. In the region of shock boundary layer oscillations, buffeting of the first bending mode was obtained. This mode was well separated in frequency from the shock boundary layer oscillations. A limit cycle oscillation was also measured in a third bending like mode, involving wind vertical bending and splitter plate motion, which was in the frequency range of the shock boundary layer oscillations. Several model configurations were tested, and a few potential fixes were investigated.
NAS 1.15:104088
AIAA PAPER 91-1107
権利No Copyright
