JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルSurface roughness of flat and curved optical surfaces
著者(英)George, M. C.; Perera, M.; Reddy, Bandi Jagannadha; Venkateswarlu, P.; Jagannath, H.
著者所属(英)Alabama A & M Univ.
内容記述Surface roughness measurement has several applications. Even a few A roughness will cause scattered light in optical systems. Smooth surfaces are required in a wide variety of instruments. For example, the outputs of the high power lasers are limited by the surface roughness of mirrors and windows. Similarly, the information storage capacity of magnetic media is limited by the roughness of the surface. Roughness reduces the resolving power of optics and distorts images. The performance of certain thin film components in electronic industries is affected by the roughness on the film surface. X-ray astronomical telescopes require smooth curved surfaces. To improve the surface quality, super sensitive detection methods are required. Wide ranging measurement techniques are developed based on interferometry, electron microscopy, C-rays, ellipsometry, light scattering, and using mechanical stylus, etc. Though there are several techniques available for measurement and evaluation of the surfaces, no single technique is fully adequate. Also, the technique used should be nondestructive and highly sensitive. So, an optical heterodyne profilometer was fabricated. Its current sensitivity is much better than 10A rms. It is a noncontact and nondestructive technique. The instrument can be operated even by unskilled personnel for routine measurements.
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