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タイトルReport of the panel on geopotential fields: Magnetic field, section 9
著者(英)Benton, Edward R.; Harrison, Christopher G. A.; Achache, Jose J.; Backus, George E.; Langel, Robert A.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述The objective of the NASA Geodynamics program for magnetic field measurements is to study the physical state, processes and evolution of the Earth and its environment via interpretation of measurements of the near Earth magnetic field in conjunction with other geophysical data. The fields measured derive from sources in the core, the lithosphere, the ionosphere, and the magnetosphere. Panel recommendations include initiation of multi-decade long continuous scalar and vector measurements of the Earth's magnetic field by launching a five year satellite mission to measure the field to about 1 nT accuracy, improvement of our resolution of the lithographic component of the field by developing a low altitude satellite mission, and support of theoretical studies and continuing analysis of data to better understand the source physics and improve the modeling capabilities for different source regions.
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