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タイトルMaterials with periodic internal structure: Computation based on homogenization and comparison with experiment
著者(英)Ranaweera, M. P.; Onat, E. T.; Leckie, F. A.; Jansson, S.
著者所属(英)California Univ.
内容記述The combination of thermal and mechanical loading expected in practice means that constitutive equations of metal matrix composites must be developed which deal with time-independent and time-dependent irreversible deformation. Also, the internal state of composites is extremely complicated which underlines the need to formulate macroscopic constitutive equations with a limited number of state variables which represent the internal state at the micro level. One available method for calculating the macro properties of composites in terms of the distribution and properties of the constituent materials is the method of homogenization whose formulation is based on the periodicity of the substructure of the composite. A homogenization procedure was developed which lends itself to the use of the finite element procedure. The efficiency of these procedures, to determine the macroscopic properties of a composite system from its constituent properties, was demonstrated utilizing an aluminum plate perforated by directionally oriented slits. The selection of this problem is based on the fact that, extensive experimental results exist, the macroscopic response is highly anisotropic, and that the slits provide very high stress gradients which severely test the effectiveness of the computational procedures. Furthermore, both elastic and plastic properties were investigated so that the application to practical systems with inelastic deformation should be able to proceed without difficulty. The effectiveness of the procedures was rigorously checked against experimental results and with the predictions of approximate calculations. Using the computational results it is illustrated how macroscopic constitutive equations can be expressed in forms of the elastic and limit load behavior.
NAS 1.26:185303
権利No Copyright
