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タイトルImage reconstruction of IRAS survey scans
著者(英)Bontekoe, Tj. Romke
著者所属(英)Wyoming Univ.
内容記述The IRAS survey data can be used successfully to produce images of extended objects. The major difficulties, viz. non-uniform sampling, different response functions for each detector, and varying signal-to-noise levels for each detector for each scan, were resolved. The results of three different image construction techniques are compared: co-addition, constrained least squares, and maximum entropy. The maximum entropy result is superior. An image of the galaxy M51 with an average spatial resolution of 45 arc seconds is presented, using 60 micron survey data. This exceeds the telescope diffraction limit of 1 minute of arc, at this wavelength. Data fusion is a proposed method for combining data from different instruments, with different spacial resolutions, at different wavelengths. Data estimates of the physical parameters, temperature, density and composition, can be made from the data without prior image (re-)construction. An increase in the accuracy of these parameters is expected as the result of this more systematic approach.
NAS 1.26:187328
権利No Copyright
