JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルExperiment K-6-08. Biochemical and histochemical observations of vastus medialis
著者(英)Steffen, J. M.; Oganov, V. S.; Fell, R. D.; Musacchia, X. J.
著者所属(英)Louisville Univ.
内容記述Muscles of the hindlimb in the rat have been used to demonstrate the effects of unloading in weightlessness and in animal models used to mimic weightlessness. The vastus medialis (VM) is discussed here. Samples were obtained from rats exposed to weightlessness for 12 days in Cosmos 1887 (Experiment K-6-08, coordinated by Dr. V.S. Oganov). The principal objective of this study was to ascertain if the vastus medialis responded to 12 days of microgravity exposure. The loss in muscle mass is greatest, -43 percent, when comparing F vs B, and least, -13 percent, when comparing F vs. V. Taken at face value these differences may be misleading. Due to the variability of the muscle weight in the basal group, these muscle mass losses may be exaggerated. In terms of percent water, there were no differences between the flight and the control groups. In spite of the limited sample, researchers conclude that muscle mass changes in the VM are not significant. Although some of the morphological parameters suggest a small degree of atrophy in the vastus medialis, the biochemical analyses (protein, RNA and DNA) suggest that these may be minimal and functionally nonsignificant. The relatively similar CS and LDH activities of VM from F and various control groups, as well as the lack of difference in LPL activity between F and S rats, suggests that there is little or no effect on the oxidative or glycolytic function of this muscle. Since the VM is chiefly a mixed fast twitch muscle, these metabolic indices of energy production are relatively unchanged. The results of VM studies are in agreement with previous observations of another type II fast twitch muscle, the EDL, from SL-3 rats which did not respond markedly to weightlessness and whole body suspension.
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