JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルMonocular electro-optical stereo scanner
著者(英)Salomonson, V.; Catena, J.; Maurer, H.; Smith, J.; Vermillion, C.; Cote, C.; Rampariyan, H.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述MEOSS is a single optics and single spectral band camera. Three CCD's working in pushbroom mode are mounted perpendicular to the flight direction on a common focal plate. Their oblique views of + and - 23 degrees forward and backward, as well as nadir oriented, lead to threefold stereoscopic images. This principle allows a nearly simultaneous generation of all three images of a stereo triplet. The time gap between the forward and aft looking images guarantees constant illumination conditions. The ground resolution of MEOSS will be 52 by 80 m ground pixel size, height resolution of 55 m and swath width of 255 km. The drifting ground coverage pattern of MEOSS is unique compared to polar orbiting satellites and will allow images of an area to be taken at different times of the day. A scene will consist of 3144 scan lines, with each having 3236 pixels. The data will be received by the Deep Space Network of JPL Goldstone and mailed to Goddard.
権利No Copyright
