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タイトルResearch Report NIFS-DATA Series: NIFS-DATA-109
その他のタイトルOscillator strength spectra and related quantities of 9 atoms and 23 molecules over the entire energy region
著者(日)坂本, 直樹; 土田, 秀次; 加藤, 隆子; 鎌倉, 幸恵; 小川, 英巳; 石井, 邦和; 村上, 泉; 加藤, 太治; 坂上, 裕之; 加藤, 雅敏
著者(英)Sakamoto, Naoki; Tsuchida, Hidetsugu; Kato, Takako; Kamakura, Sachie; Ogawa, Hidemi; Ishii, Kunikazu; Murakami, Izumi; Kato, Daiji; Sakaue, Hiroyuki; Kato, Masatoshi
著者所属(日)奈良女子大学理学部物理学科; 京都大学大学院工学研究科附属量子理工学研究実験センター; 核融合科学研究所; 奈良女子大学理学部物理学科; 奈良女子大学理学部物理学科; 奈良女子大学理学部物理学科; 核融合科学研究所; 核融合科学研究所; 核融合科学研究所; 核融合科学研究所
著者所属(英)Dcpartment of Physics, Nara Women's University; Quantum Science and Engineering Center, Kyoto University; National Institute for Fusion Science; Dcpartment of Physics, Nara Women's University; Dcpartment of Physics, Nara Women's University; Dcpartment of Physics, Nara Women's University; National Institute for Fusion Science; National Institute for Fusion Science; National Institute for Fusion Science; National Institute for Fusion Science
発行機関などNational Institute for Fusion Science
刊行物名Research Report NIFS-DATA Series
抄録Datasets of oscillator strength spectra, photoabsorption cross sections, and mass absorption coefficients are evaluated for 9 atoms (H, He, Li, N, 0, Ne, Na, Cl, and Ar) and 23 molecules (H2, N2, O2, CO, NO, HCl, H20, CO2, N2O, NO2, H2S, SO2, O3, NH3, CH4, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, CH3OH, C6H6, SiH4, SF6, and C60), which are based on the data compiled by Berkowitz [Atomic and Molecular Photoabsorption: Absolute Total Cross Sections (Academic Press, 2002)]. The atomic number of adopted atoms is up to 18 (Ar) and that of constituent atoms of adopted molecules is not larger than 17 (Cl). For these atoms and molecules, experimental data are plenty to construct a reliable oscillator strength spectrum over the entire energy region. Datasets reported here are presently the most reliable because Berkowitz adopted cross sections after severe consideration of existing experimental data. The oscillator strengths are selected to satisfY the several sum rules and other theoretical bound conditions.
キーワードOscillator strength spectra, photoabsorption cross sections, Mass absorption coefficients
