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タイトルHigh-angle-of-attack pneumatic lag and upwash corrections for a hemispherical flow direction sensor
著者(英)Heeg, Jennifer; Ehernberger, L. J.; Deleo, Richard V.; Whitmore, Stephen A.; Hagen, Floyd W.; Larson, Terry J.
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述As part of the NASA F-14 high angle of attack flight test program, a nose mounted hemispherical flow direction sensor was calibrated against a fuselage mounted movable vane flow angle sensor. Significant discrepancies were found to exist in the angle of attack measurements. A two fold approach taken to resolve these discrepancies during subsonic flight is described. First, the sensing integrity of the isolated hemispherical sensor is established by wind tunnel data extending to an angle of attack of 60 deg. Second, two probable causes for the discrepancies, pneumatic lag and upwash, are examined. Methods of identifying and compensating for lag and upwash are presented. The wind tunnel data verify that the isolated hemispherical sensor is sufficiently accurate for static conditions with angles of attack up to 60 deg and angles of sideslip up to 30 deg. Analysis of flight data for two high angle of attack maneuvers establishes that pneumatic lag and upwash are highly correlated with the discrepancies between the hemispherical and vane type sensor measurements.
NAS 1.15:86790
権利No Copyright
