JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルCoronal mass ejections and coronal structures
著者(英)Gergely, T. E.; Illing, R. M. E.; Hildner, E.; Duncan, R. A.; Jackson, B. V.; Howard, R. A.; Harrison, R. A.; Bougeret, J. L.; Bassi, J.; Gary, D. E.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述Research on coronal mass ejections (CMF) took a variety of forms, both observational and theoretical. On the observational side there were: case studies of individual events, in which it was attempted to provide the most complete descriptions possible, using correlative observations in diverse wavelengths; statistical studies of the properties CMEs and their associated activity; observations which may tell us about the initiation of mass ejections; interplanetary observations of associated shocks and energetic particles even observations of CMEs traversing interplanetary space; and the beautiful synoptic charts which show to what degree mass ejections affect the background corona and how rapidly (if at all) the corona recovers its pre-disturbance form. These efforts are described in capsule form with an emphasis on presenting pictures, graphs, and tables so that the reader can form a personal appreciation of the work and its results.
権利No Copyright
