JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルGrowth and characterization of Hg(1-x)Zn(x)Se
著者(英)Andrews, R. N.
著者所属(英)Alabama Univ.
内容記述Hg sub 1-xZn sub xSe alloys of composition x=0.10 were grown in a Bridgman-Stockbarger growth furnace at translation rates of 0.3 and 0.1 micron sec. The axial and radial composition profiles were determined using precision density measurements and IR transmission-edge-mapping, respectively. A more radially homogeneous alloy was produced at the slower growth rate, while the faster growth rate produced more axially homogeneous alloys. A determination of the electrical properties of the Hg sub 1-xZn sub xSe samples in the temperature range 300K-20K was also made. Typical carrier concentrations were on the order of magnitude of 10 to the 18th power cu/cm, and remained fairly constant as a function of temperature. A study was also made of the temperature dependence of the resistivity and Hall mobility. The effect of annealing in a selenium vapor on both the IR transmission and the electrical properties was determined. Annealing was effective in reducing the number of native donor defects and at the resulting lower carrier concentrations, charge carrier concentration was shown to be a function of temperature. Annealing caused the mobility to increase, primarily at the lower temperature, and the room temperature resistivity to increase. Annealing was also observed to greatly enhance the % IR transmittance of the samples. This was due primarily to the effect of annealing on decreasing the charge carrier concentration.
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