JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルPropulsion system ignition overpressure for the Space Shuttle
著者(英)Ryan, R. S.; Rheinfurth, M. H.; Jones, J. H.; Verferaime, V. S.; Struck, H. G.; Guest, S. H.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述Liquid and solid rocket motor propulsion systems create an overpressure wave during ignition, caused by the accelerating gas particles pushing against or displacing the air contained in the launch pad or launch facility and by the afterburning of the fuel-rich gases. This wave behaves as a blast or shock wave characterized by a positive triangular-shaped first pulse and a negative half-sine wave second pulse. The pulse travels up the space vehicle and has the potential of either overloading individual elements or exciting overall vehicle dynamics. The latter effect results from the phasing difference of the wave from one side of the vehicle to the other. This overpressure phasing, or delta P environment, because of its frequency content as well as amplitude, becomes a design driver for certain panels (e.g., thermal shields) and payloads for the Space Shuttle. The history of overpressure effects on the Space Shuttle, the basic overpressure phenomenon, Space Shuttle overpressure environment, scale model overpressure testing, and techniques for suppressing the overpressure environments are considered.
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