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タイトルMeasurement of the atmospheric electric field inside the nonthunderstorm clouds on 2012 BEXUS campaign
著者(日)鶴留, 千晶; Flaquiere, Antoine Hoquet; 望月, 香織; Le Teuff, Yannick; 阪井, 陸真; Tuffenis, Joffrey; 鈴木, 裕子; Cohen, Dan; 藤原, 博伸; 稲崎, 弘次
著者(英)Tsurudome, Chiaki; Flaquiere, Antoine Hoquet; Mochizuki, Kaori; Le Teuff, Yannick; Sakai, Rikuma; Tuffenis, Joffrey; Suzuki, Yuko; Cohen, Dan; Fujiwara,Hironobu; Inazaki, Koji
著者所属(日)東京学芸大学物理学科; Lycee Gustave Eiffel Cachan; 東京学芸大学物理学科; Lycee Gustave Eiffel Cachan; 東京学芸大学物理学科 : 北海道大学大学院理学院宇宙学専攻; Lycee Gustave Eiffel Cachan; 東京学芸大学物理学科; University of Paris; 女子聖学院高等学校; 東山技術研究所
著者所属(英)Department of Physics, Tokyo Gakugei University; Lycee Gustave Eiffel Cachan; Department of Physics, Tokyo Gakugei University; Lycee Gustave Eiffel Cachan; Department of Physics, Tokyo Gakugei University : Department of Cosmosciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University; Lycee Gustave Eiffel Cachan; Department of Physics, Tokyo Gakugei University; University of Paris; Joshiseigakuin High School; Higashiyamagiken
Society of Atmospheric electricity of Japan
刊行物名Journal of Atmospheric Electricity
抄録We measure an atmospheric electric field inside the nonthunderstorm clouds, because the studies of the electric charge structures inside the nonthunderstrom clouds have been few. For this purpose, a balloon with a gondola equipped with two field mills was used in balloon experiments for university students (BEXUS) organized by Europe Space Agency (ESA). From the experiment, two peaks of positive atmospheric electric field were observed, so that simple charged spherical model is constructed. The estimated value of charges inside the cloud follows the results of Imyanitov and Chubarina (1965). In future, much more experiments should be required for the study of nonthunderstorm electricity.
内容記述形態: カラー図版あり
Number of authors: 13
Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations
キーワードAtmospheric electricity; Nonthunderstorm clouds; Field mill
資料種別Journal Article
