JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルEnvironmental Impact Statement for the Space Shuttle Program
著者(英)Malkin, M. S.
著者所属(英)NASA Headquarters
内容記述Test firings and launches will release air pollutants causing a temporary localized small degradation in air quality near the tests or launch site. Areas adjacent to the site will also be subjected to moderate sound levels of predominantly low frequencies for short durations. During the launch phase, hydrogen chloride will be introduced into the stratosphere causing a small decrease in ozone. Temporary perturbations to the ionosphere will occur during orbital maneuvers and entry will have no significant effect on communication or radio wave propagation. As the Orbiter descends, a low magnitude sonic beam will be produced along the groundtrack with maximum overpressures occurring near the landing site. The overpressures will be infrequent, will vary in location and are of sufficiently low energy to be considered a momentary annoyance, if noticed at all. Major alternatives considered are discontinuation or postponement of the program, use of alternate propellants and neutralization of the ground cloud.
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