JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルStudy of bone mineral metabolism
著者(英)Palmer, H. E.
著者所属(英)Battelle Memorial Inst.
内容記述The use of Sr-85 as an indicator of the skeletal location and relative amount of bone demineralization which occurs during immobilization of the body or body parts, bed-rest or space flight was studied. The bone mineral replacement which occurs after immobilization was measured rather than the bone loss which occurs during immobilization. In a study with two adult beagle dogs, the Sr-85 uptake in a leg which had been immobilized for two months was 400 percent higher than the uptake in the legs in regular use. This increased uptake probably resulted from only a few percent loss in bone mineral and indicates that losses less than one percent can be easily detected and located. The sensitivity, simplicity, and low radiation dose associated with the use of this method indicates that it should receive consideration for use on humans in bed-rest and space flight studies. Methods for measuring changes in total body nitrogen and in assisting the Johnson Space Center in calibrating a whole body counter for total body potassium measurements were also investigated.
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