JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルTelevision observations of artificial aurora and analyses of flight data from NASA payload 12.18 NE
著者(英)Davis, T. N.
著者所属(英)Alaska Univ.
内容記述An accelerator nominally capable of ejecting pulses of electrons up to 6 sec in length, current to 500 ma and energy to 20 keV was flown on a rocket at 1500 October 15, 1972. The Strypi rocket was launched from the Pacific Missile Range Facility at Kauai, Hawaii. The intent was to eject electron pulses of various characteristics upwards along the magnetic field so as to produce artificial auroras in the conjugate (Southern Hemisphere) atmosphere and possibly to produce weaker auroras in the nearby atmosphere as a consequence of backscattered electrons. The accelerator package included a gas jet actuated attitude control system controlled by gyros. Attitude sensing also was accomplished by a two-axis fluxgate magnetometer, and a large foil was deployed to collect ambient electrons to neutralize the accelerator when it ejected high-energy electrons. Scientific instrumentation contained on the flight package included retarding potential analyzers, energetic electron detectors, and detectors to sense very low frequency radio noise. Image orthicon television systems and other optical sensors were operated in the conjugate region aboard two NC-135 jet aircrafts based in Samoa. Similar devices were operated at Haleakala, Hawaii, to attempt detection of auroras caused by backscattered electrons.
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