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タイトルVolcanism subprogram: Volcanological interpretation of the northern part of the Occidental Cordillera of Bolivia, utilizing ERTS imagery
著者(英)Kussmaul, S.; Brockmann, C. E.
著者所属(英)Servicio Geologico de Bolivia
内容記述The author has identified the following significant results. In the present study, 6 ERTS-1 images have been interpreted on a 1:1 million scale (black and white) with the respective field reconnaissance. The area studied is located in the region bordering with Chile and includes the western part of the Bolivian Altiplano, the volcano Cordillera (western cordillera) and the northern part of Chile to the Pacific Coast. The greater part of this region is formed by Pliocene/Pleistocene volcani rock, which is discordant with the Tertiary sediments with intercalations of calcareous tuff. The ERTS-1 imagery permits the tracing of regional boundaries of the great volcanic formations and the alinements of the volcanic bodies along the fault zones. They also permit a clear examination of the volcanic apparatus, including their secondary forms, such as lava flows, parasitic cones, and lava domes. Because of the great scale, it is not possible to identify either the small structures or those of low relief. On the basis of the interpretation of the images, it is possible to give an idea of the relative age of the volcanoes.
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