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タイトルLow speed wind tunnel investigation of a large scale lift fan STOL transport model
著者(英)Hall, L. P.; Atencio, A., Jr.; Kirk, J. V.
著者所属(英)Army Air Mobility Research and Development Lab.|NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述The low-speed aerodynamic characteristics of large scale V/STOL transport models with lift fan and lift-cruise fan propulsion systems are discussed. The model of this investigation had two fans mounted side by side in the nose section of the fuselage. This permitted a reasonably deep inlet on the inboard side of each fan while the outboard side had a fairly shallow inlet. Lift-cruise fans were installed on the aft section of the fuselage. Hood-type deflection ducts were used to turn the fan flow from the cruise direction to the lift direction for STOL performance. Fan performance is shown for all four fans both statically and with crossflow. Longitudinal force and moment results are shown for a representative tip speed (forward speed) range through wing supported flight. Lateral-directional characteristics are also presented. The results are presented without analysis.
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