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タイトルA study of Quaternary landforms and materials in the Midwest and Great Plains
著者(英)Hallberg, G. R.; Morrison, R. B.
著者所属(英)Geological Survey
内容記述The author has identified the following significant results. Measurements made from prints of ERTS-1, MSS 5 images, show practical limits of detectability for this imagery in the Midwest. The smallest high contrast object detectable has an approximate measured diameter of 150 feet. The smallest clearly identifiable cultural feature is roughly 300 feet for high contrast, and 400 to 500 feet for low contrast objects. Rural roadways, with an average width of 75 feet, are clearly defined due to high reflectivity, linearity, and the instantaneous field of view of the scanner. On the infrared a farm pond slightly greater than one acre is detectable. Crop and natural foliage cover in the Midwest during summar months obscures geologic and soils information and hinders detailed mapping. In the western Great Plains large-scale mapping of this kind may be possible, even at this time of year. In southwestern Iowa, topographic and drainage system anomalies, revealed by the imagery, are related to the slope of and depth to the buried bedrock surface. In eastern Iowa land use classification can be done from ERTS-1 imagery.
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