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タイトルUS fishing industry participation in NASA's earth resources survey program: Communications between NASA and the US fishing industry
著者(英)Hecht, K.; Marmelstein, A. D.; Alverson, F. G.; Broadhead, G. C.; Peckham, C. G.; Maughan, P. M.
著者所属(英)Living Marine Resources, Inc.|Earth Satellite Corp.
内容記述A study to evaluate the applications of remote sensing in commercial fishing is reported, and the basis for effective communications between NASA and the U.S. fishing industry are established. Detailed information is presented in the following areas: organization of the fishing complex and communication levels within and between the components; organization of the fishing industry and the communications within and between both selected fisheries and various industry groups; relationships and communications between federal, state, and local government agencies and the fishing industry; relationships and communications between international and regional fisheries commissions; and intergovernmental agency relationships relevant to the fishing industry. It will be necessary to educate those individuals having access to the techniques and resultant data, and channels for distribution of the information to selected fisheries are recommended. Procedures for feedback information loops are also established.
権利No Copyright
