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タイトルOverview of a Proposed Flight Validation of Aerocapture System Technology for Planetary Missions
著者(英)Munk, Michelle M.; Oh, David; Hall, Jeffery L.; Keys, Andrew S.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述Aerocapture System Technology for Planetary Missions is being proposed to NASA's New Millennium Program for flight aboard the Space Technology 9 (ST9) flight opportunity. The proposed ST9 aerocapture mission is a system-level flight validation of the aerocapture maneuver as performed by an instrumented, high-fidelity flight vehicle within a true in-space and atmospheric environment. Successful validation of the aerocapture maneuver will be enabled through the flight validation of an advanced guidance, navigation, and control system as developed by Ball Aerospace and two advanced Thermal Protection System (TPS) materials, Silicon Refined Ablative Material-20 (SRAM-20) and SRAM-14, as developed by Applied Research Associates (ARA) Ablatives Laboratory. The ST9 aerocapture flight validation will be sufficient for immediate infusion of these technologies into NASA science missions being proposed for flight to a variety of Solar System destinations possessing a significant planetary atmosphere.
NASA分類Space Communications, Spacecraft Communications, Command and Tracking
権利No Copyright
