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タイトルNumerical Issues for Circulation Control Calculations
著者(英)Swanson, Roy C., Jr.; Rumsey, Christopher L.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述Steady-state and time-accurate two-dimensional solutions of the compressible Reynolds-averaged Navier- Stokes equations are obtained for flow over the Lockheed circulation control (CC) airfoil and the General Aviation CC (GACC) airfoil. Numerical issues in computing circulation control flows such as the effects of grid resolution, boundary and initial conditions, and unsteadiness are addressed. For the Lockheed CC airfoil computed solutions are compared with detailed experimental data, which include velocity and Reynolds stress profiles. Three turbulence models, having either one or two transport equations, are considered. Solutions are obtained on a sequence of meshes, with mesh refinement primarily concentrated on the airfoil circular trailing edge. Several effects related to mesh refinement are identified. For example, sometimes sufficient mesh resolution can exclude nonphysical solutions, which can occur in CC airfoil calculations. Also, sensitivities of the turbulence models with mesh refinement are discussed. In the case of the GACC airfoil the focus is on the difference between steady-state and time-accurate solutions. A specific objective is to determine if there is self-excited vortex shedding from the jet slot lip.
レポートNOAIAA Paper 2006-3008
権利No Copyright
