タイトル | Development of Laser Fabricated Ti-6Al-4V |
本文(外部サイト) | http://hdl.handle.net/2060/20060017053 |
著者(英) | deGroh, Henry C., III |
著者所属(英) | NASA Glenn Research Center |
発行日 | 2006-04-01 |
言語 | eng |
内容記述 | Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS) depositions with Ti-6Al-4V gas-atomized powder were accomplished at five different temperatures, ranging from 30 to 400 C, imposed on the base plate. These base plate temperatures were employed in an effort to relieve stresses which develop during the deposition. Warpage of the base plate was monitored. Only a slight decline in warpage was observed as the base plate temperature was increased. Results indicate that substrate temperatures closer to the stress relief minimum of 480 C would relieve deposition stresses, though process parameters would likely need to be modified to compensate for the higher base plate temperature. The compositions of the as-received powder and the LENS deposited material were chemically analyzed. The oxygen content of the LENS material was 0.154 wt.% which is less than the maximum impurity limit of 0.2 percent for commercial Ti-6Al-4V alloys, but is over the limit allowed in ELI grade (0.13 percent). The level of oxygen in the commercial base plate used was only 0.0635 percent. Tensile specimens were machined from the LENS deposited material and tested in tension at room temperature. The ultimate and yield tensile stresses of the LENS material were about 1200 and 1150 MPa respectively, which is about 20 percent higher than the strengths of wrought Ti-6Al-4V. The higher strength of the LENS material was due to its fine structure and high oxygen content. The LENS deposits were not fully dense; voids were frequent at the interfaces between deposited layers. These dispersed sheets of voids were parallel to the longitudinal axis of the resulting tensile specimens. Apparently there was sufficient continuous, fully dense material longitudinally to enable the high strengths. Ductility was low in the LENS material. Percent elongation at failure in the LENS material was near 4 percent, which is less than half of what is usually expected from Ti-6Al-4V. The low ductility was caused by high oxygen levels, and the presence of voids. It is likely that the relatively high scan speeds used in our depositions contributed to the lack of full density in our LENS material. |
NASA分類 | Metals and Metallic Materials |
レポートNO | E-15538 NASA/TM-2006-214256 |
権利 | No Copyright |
URI | https://repository.exst.jaxa.jp/dspace/handle/a-is/218604 |