JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルDamage Tolerance Analysis of a Pressurized Liquid Oxygen Tank
著者(英)Gregory, Peyton B.; Harvin, Stephen F.; Hoffman, Eric K.; Forth, Scott C.; Thompson, Joe E.; Mason, Brian H.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述A damage tolerance assessment was conducted of an 8,000 gallon pressurized Liquid Oxygen (LOX) tank. The LOX tank is constructed of a stainless steel pressure vessel enclosed by a thermal-insulating vacuum jacket. The vessel is pressurized to 2,250 psi with gaseous nitrogen resulting in both thermal and pressure stresses on the tank wall. Finite element analyses were performed on the tank to characterize the stresses from operation. Engineering material data was found from both the construction of the tank and the technical literature. An initial damage state was assumed based on records of a nondestructive inspection performed on the tank. The damage tolerance analyses were conducted using the NASGRO computer code. This paper contains the assumptions, and justifications, made for the input parameters to the damage tolerance analyses and the results of the damage tolerance analyses with a discussion on the operational safety of the LOX tank.
NASA分類Structural Mechanics
権利No Copyright
