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タイトルNASA Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM): Advanced Technology Lifecycle Analysis System (ATLAS) Technology Tool Box
著者(英)Gresham, E. C.; Christensen, C. B.; ONeil, D. A.; Craig, D. A.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述The objective of this Technical Interchange Meeting was to increase the quantity and quality of technical, cost, and programmatic data used to model the impact of investing in different technologies. The focus of this meeting was the Technology Tool Box (TTB), a database of performance, operations, and programmatic parameters provided by technologists and used by systems engineers. The TTB is the data repository used by a system of models known as the Advanced Technology Lifecycle Analysis System (ATLAS). This report describes the result of the November meeting, and also provides background information on ATLAS and the TTB.
NASA分類Astronautics (General)
権利No Copyright
