タイトル | Comparison of AMZIRC and GRCop-84 |
本文(外部サイト) | http://hdl.handle.net/2060/20060005039 |
著者(英) | Ellis, David; Loewenthal, William; de Groh, Henry C. III |
著者所属(英) | NASA Glenn Research Center |
発行日 | 2006-01-01 |
言語 | eng |
内容記述 | The mechanical properties of two copper alloys with high thermal conductivity, GRCop-84 and AMZIRC, were compared. These are competing alloys in high temperature, high heat flux applications such as rocket nozzles. The GRCop-84 data presented was taken from previous work. The results of new tensile, creep, and compression tests on AMZIRC are presented. Tests were done on as-received hard drawn material, and on material that had been subjected to a heat treatment designed to simulate a brazing operation at 935 C. As-received AMZIRC was found to have excellent properties at temperatures below 550 C, with room temperature yield and ultimate tensile strengths of about 500 MPa, and ductile failures. By comparison, GRCop-84 s room temperature tensile yield and ultimate strengths are about 200 and 380 MPa respectively. However, the simulated brazing heat treatment substantially decreased the mechanical properties of AMZIRC; and the strength of as-received AMZIRC dropped precipitously as test temperatures exceeded 500 C. The properties of GRCop-84 were not significantly affected by the 935 C heat treatment. As a result, there appear to be advantages to GRCop- 84 over AMZIRC if use or processing temperatures of greater than 500 C are expected. Tensile creep tests were done at 500 and 650 C. At these temperatures, the creep properties of GRCop-84 were superior to AMZIRC s. At equivalent rupture life and stress, GRCop-84 was found to have a 150 C temperature advantage over AMZIRC; for equivalent rupture life and temperature GRCop-84 was two times stronger. |
NASA分類 | Metals and Metallic Materials |
権利 | No Copyright |
URI | https://repository.exst.jaxa.jp/dspace/handle/a-is/218903 |