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タイトルMethod for Determination of Less Than 5 ppm Oxygen in Sodium Samples
著者(英)Martin, J. J.; Schmidt, G. L.; Reid, R. S.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述Alkali metals used in pumped loops or heat pipes must be sufficiently free of nonmetallic impurities to ensure long heat rejection system life. Life issues are well established for alkali metal systems. Impurities can form ternary compounds between the container and working fluid, leading to corrosion. This Technical Memorandum discusses the consequences of impurities and candidate measurement techniques to determine whether impurities have been reduced to suf.ciently low levels within a single-phase liquid metal loop or a closed two-phase heat transfer system, such as a heat pipe. These techniques include the vanadium wire equilibration, neutron activation analysis, plug traps, distillation, and chemical analysis. Conceptual procedures for performing vanadium wire equilibration purity measurements on sodium contained in a heat pipe are discussed in detail.
NASA分類Metals and Metallic Materials
権利No Copyright
