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タイトルCycom 977-2 Composite Material: Impact Test Results
著者(英)Engel, Carl D.; Herald, Stephen; Watkins, Casey
著者所属(英)Qualis Corp.
内容記述The reaction frequency data from 13A testing by MSFC and WSTF appear well behaved for the sample number used by each and exhibit the same type of energy level dependency. The reaction frequency shift in energy level is unexplained at this time. All the 13A data suggest that only a small amount of material is consumed when reactions take place. At ambient pressure, most of not all reactions are quenched as indicated by the small mass loss. As test pressure is increased in LOX using 13B results. Cycom does not support initiation of reactions or propagations of reactions in GOX at 100 psis based on tests at MSFC and WSTF at 72 ft-lb impact energy. No batch effect was identified in LOX or GOX.
NASA分類Composite Materials
権利No Copyright
