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タイトルPerformance Enhancement Using Selective Reinforcement for Metallic Single- and Multi-Pin Loaded Holes
著者(英)Farley, Gary L.; Seshadri, Banavara R.
著者所属(英)Army Research Lab.
内容記述An analysis based investigation of aluminum with metal matrix composite selectively reinforced single- and multi-hole specimens was performed and their results compared with results from geometrically comparable non-reinforced specimens. All reinforced specimens exhibited a significant increase in performance. Performance increase of up to 170 percent was achieved. Specimen failure modes were consistent with results from reinforced polymeric matrix composite specimens. Localized reinforcement application (circular) proved as effective as a broader area (strip) reinforcement. Also, selective reinforcement is an excellent method of increasing the performance of multi-hole specimens.
NASA分類Metals and Metallic Materials
権利No Copyright
