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タイトルThe Influence of Projectile Trajectory Angle on the Simulated Impact Response of a Shuttle Leading Edge Wing Panel
著者(英)Lyle, Karen H.; Fasanella, Edwin L.; Jones, Lisa E.; Spellman, Regina L.; Jackson, Karen E.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center; Army Research Lab.
内容記述In support of recommendations by the Columbia Accident Investigation Board, a team has been studying the effect of debris impacting the reinforced carbon-carbon panels of the shuttle leading edge. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of varying parameters of the debris trajectory on the damage tolerance. Impacts at the upper and lower surface and the apex of the leading edge were examined. For each location, trajectory variances included both the alpha and beta directions. The results of the analysis indicated in all cases the beta sweep decreased the amount of damage to the panel. The increases in alpha resulted in a significant increase in damage to the RCC panel. In particular, for the lower surface, where the alpha can increase by 10 degrees, there was a nearly 40% increase in the impulse. As a result, it is recommended that for future analyses, a 10 degree offset in alpha from the nominal trajectory is included for impacts on the lower surface. It is also recommended to assume a straight aft, or zero beta, trajectory for a more conservative analysis.
NASA分類Structural Mechanics
権利No Copyright
