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タイトルModal Survey of ETM-3, A 5-Segment Derivative of the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster
著者(英)Kappus, K.; Torres, I.; Nielsen, D.; Driskill, T.; Parks, R.; Townsend, J.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center; ATK-Thiokol Propulsion
内容記述The complex interactions between internal motor generated pressure oscillations and motor structural vibration modes associated with the static test configuration of a Reusable Solid Rocket Motor have potential to generate significant dynamic thrust loads in the 5-segment configuration (Engineering Test Motor 3). Finite element model load predictions for worst-case conditions were generated based on extrapolation of a previously correlated 4-segment motor model. A modal survey was performed on the largest rocket motor to date, Engineering Test Motor #3 (ETM-3), to provide data for finite element model correlation and validation of model generated design loads. The modal survey preparation included pretest analyses to determine an efficient analysis set selection using the Effective Independence Method and test simulations to assure critical test stand component loads did not exceed design limits. Historical Reusable Solid Rocket Motor modal testing, ETM-3 test analysis model development and pre-test loads analyses, as well as test execution, and a comparison of results to pre-test predictions are discussed.
NASA分類Spacecraft Propulsion and Power
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
