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タイトルLivingstone Model-Based Diagnosis of Earth Observing One Infusion Experiment
著者(英)Sweet, Adam J.; Hayden, Sandra C.; Christa, Scott E.
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center|QSS Group, Inc.
内容記述The Earth Observing One satellite, launched in November 2000, is an active earth science observation platform. This paper reports on the progress of an infusion experiment in which the Livingstone 2 Model-Based Diagnostic engine is deployed on Earth Observing One, demonstrating the capability to monitor the nominal operation of the spacecraft under command of an on-board planner, and demonstrating on-board diagnosis of spacecraft failures. Design and development of the experiment, specification and validation of diagnostic scenarios, characterization of performance results and benefits of the model- based approach are presented.
NASA分類Spacecraft Instrumentation and Astrionics
レポートNOAIAA Paper 2004-6225
権利No Copyright
