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タイトルAutonomous Evolution of Dynamic Gaits with Two Quadruped Robots
著者(英)Hornby, Gregory S.; Takamura, Seichi; Yamamoto, Takashi; Fujita, Masahiro
著者所属(英)QSS Group, Inc.
内容記述A challenging task that must be accomplished for every legged robot is creating the walking and running behaviors needed for it to move. In this paper we describe our system for autonomously evolving dynamic gaits on two of Sony's quadruped robots. Our evolutionary algorithm runs on board the robot and uses the robot's sensors to compute the quality of a gait without assistance from the experimenter. First we show the evolution of a pace and trot gait on the OPEN-R prototype robot. With the fastest gait, the robot moves at over 10/min/min., which is more than forty body-lengths/min. While these first gaits are somewhat sensitive to the robot and environment in which they are evolved, we then show the evolution of robust dynamic gaits, one of which is used on the ERS-110, the first consumer version of AIBO.
NASA分類Cybernetics, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
