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タイトルNon-coincident Inter-instrument Comparisons of Ozone Measurements Using Quasi-conservative Coordinates
著者(英)Benesova, A.; Newman, P. A.; Andersen, S. B.; Bevilacqua, R.; McGee, T.; Schoeberl, M. R.; Browell, E.; Twigg, T.; DeBacker, H.; Lait, L. R.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述Ozone measurements from ozonesondes, AROTAL, DIAL, and POAM III instruments during the SOLVE-2/VINTERSOL period are composited in a time-varying, flow-following quasi-conservative (PV-6) coordinate space; the resulting composites from each instrument are mapped onto the other instruments locations and times. The mapped data are then used to intercompare data from the different instruments. Overall, the four data sets are found to be in good agreement. AROTAL shows somewhat lower values below 16 km, and DIAL has a positive bias at the upper limits of its altitude range. These intercomparisons are consistent with those obtained from more conventional near-coincident profiles, where available. Although the PV-theta mapping technique entails larger uncertainties of individual profile differences compared to direct near-coincident comparisons, the ability to include much larger numbers of comparisons can make this technique advantageous.
NASA分類Meteorology and Climatology
権利Copyright, Distribution as joint owner in the copyright
