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タイトルCompensation for Time-Dependent Star Tracker Thermal Deformation on the Aqua Spacecraft
著者(英)Sedlak, Joseph; Glickman, Jonathan; Hashmall, Joseph A.; Natanson, Gregory
著者所属(英)AI Solutions, Inc.
内容記述Analysis of attitude sensor data from the Aqua mission showed small but systematic differences between batch least-squares and extended Kalman filter attitudes. These differences were also found to be correlated with star tracker residuals, gyro bias estimates, and star tracker baseplate temperatures. This paper describes the analysis that shows that these correlations are all consistent with a single cause: time-dependent thermal deformation of star tracker alignments. These varying alignments can be separated into relative and common components. The relative misalignments can be determined and compensated for. The common misalignments can only be determined in special cases.
NASA分類Spacecraft Instrumentation and Astrionics
権利No Copyright
