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タイトルThe October-November, 2003 Solar Activity and its Relationship to the "approx. 155 day" Solar Periodicity
著者(英)Richardson, I. G.; Cane, H. V.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述Periodicities of approx. 155 days in various solar and interplanetary phenomena were first discovered during solar cycle 21 and have been shown to be intermittently present in other solar cycles. In the current solar cycle (23), they have been reported in solar energetic particle events and interplanetary coronal mass ejections. We assess whether the "unexpected" October - November 2003 burst of solar activity during the late declining phase of the cycle may have been a manifestation of such a periodic behavior, and hence might have been to some extent "predictable". If the pattern were to continue, episodes of enhanced activity might be expected around April - May and October, 2004. There was a modest increase activity increase in mid-April, 2004 which may conform to this pattern.
NASA分類Solar Physics
権利Copyright, Distribution under U.S. Government purpose rights
