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タイトルMechanical Design of a Performance Test Rig for the Turbine Air-Flow Task (TAFT)
著者(英)Xenofos, George D.; Farrow, John L.; Forbes, John C.; Tyler, Tom; Moharos, Jozsef; Sargent, Scott; Williams, Robert
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述To support development of the Boeing-Rocketdyne RS84 rocket engine, a full-flow, reaction turbine geometry was integrated into the NASA-MSFC turbine air-flow test facility. A mechanical design was generated which minimized the amount of new hardware while incorporating all test and instrumentation requirements. This paper provides details of the mechanical design for this Turbine Air-Flow Task (TAFT) test rig. The mechanical design process utilized for this task included the following basic stages: Conceptual Design. Preliminary Design. Detailed Design. Baseline of Design (including Configuration Control and Drawing Revision). Fabrication. Assembly. During the design process, many lessons were learned that should benefit future test rig design projects. Of primary importance are well-defined requirements early in the design process, a thorough detailed design package, and effective communication with both the customer and the fabrication contractors.
NASA分類Aircraft Design, Testing and Performance
権利No Copyright
